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The Capture



Those of you who know me also know that having served 20 years in the U.S. Army, I never once deployed . . . anywhere . . . in a combat status.  And that has always bothered me.

I always felt I missed out, for better or for worse.  Some dear to me tell me not to knock fate.  That it just wasn't meant to be.

Shortly after the September 11 attack, I submitted paperwork to the
Department of the Army to voluntarily come out of retirement so I could deploy with the 101st Division out of Ft Campbell, KY, where I live.

The Army told me in essence, "Thanks, But No Thanks".  My name would be added to a list but my services were not needed at this time.

So when the opportunity came in December 2003, for me to go to Iraq and actually serve along-side the Screaming Eagles from the 101st Air Assault Division, I jumped on it without hesitation.  The 101st is now safely back at Ft. Campbell - Mission Completed!!!

Every soldier who serves in combat is authorized to wear the unit patch of the unit they served in combat with on their right shoulder.  In December 2003 while on assignment with Ft Campbell's RAKASONS, we were attacked and came under fire.  That was my official first experience in a Combat situation - and as far as I'm concerned, that earned me my combat patch with the 101st Airborne Division . . . finally!  So while on my R&R in April, I tattooed my combat patch as a permanent fixture and reminder that at last I had experienced my share of combat.   Yes, I realize it's a personal thing, but at least now, my conscience can find closure.
Click Here to see a picture of my "Combat Patch!"

As most of you know, Sammy, my oldest son who was with me here in Iraq and is the one responsible for me landing this contract job.

Having also served in the U.S. Army, Sammy decided to get out and go to work for CACI.  The company hired us both and we took off to Iraq together!

On May 30th, 2004, Sammy completed his tour in Iraq and was reassigned to Heidelberg, Germany.  I wish him continued success.  It was an Honor and indeed a Privilege to have been able to serve with him during our tenure here in Iraq!  Not too many Father-and-Son teams can claim having been in a War Zone together!
 I certainly can!

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This site was last updated 06/05/04