(click to enlarge)
The Fire!


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The Fire!


(click to enlarge)

On Friday, May 28, my little house caught on fire . . .
fortunately, I wasn't home at the time.  The fire was quickly put out by some quick thinking soldiers, however, I lost all my personal belongings due to smoke damage.  All those "Material" things can be replaced and they will be.  Luckily everything else turned out OK.  Thanks to the members of my team - Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Willis, Randy Olson, Richard Thompson and Dwayne Wayne for the TONS of support and donated items that I received!!!

(Make sure you click on the arrows to the left and right of the strip of pictures below to bring out more photos)

My "Hootch" as I arrived after being notified. Didn't look so bad . . .

Until I got inside and saw all the smoke damage.

My Footlocker with all my treasures - a meltdown!

The Screaming Eagle - standing tall after another battle.

My Clothes - smoke damage.

More Smoke Damage.

And the cleanup and recovery starts.

WIth no running water available, I had to cleanup everything an item at a time.

Hoping the air and sun will help.

Airing things out.

Never bring white to the desert!

No more shoes!

My Duffle!


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This site was last updated 06/09/04