Tall 'Afar, Iraq


Tall 'Afar - Page 2
Tall 'Afar - Page 3
Tall 'Afar - Page 4
Tall 'Afar - Page 5
Tall 'Afar - Page 6


These pictures are those that I've taken now that Sammy and I have parted from each other.  From Baghdad, I flew into the town of Mosul.  From there, I was flown into the town of Tall 'Afar where I was assigned to.

During the war, the 101st Rakasans secured the airstrip just outside of Tall 'Afar and turned it into a camp.  It's one long runway.  It has about 9 aircraft hangars, one of them which I've turned into my warehouse and is used to store all the installation property that I signed over from the Screaming Eagles.  Which now I am signing over to the Stryker units that have replaced the Screaming Eagles.

(Make sure you click on the arrows to the left and right of the strip of pictures below to bring out more photos)


Landed at Mosul Airport - airstrip is more like it.

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This site was last updated 06/26/04