(click to enlarge)
The following pictures are probably the last I take of my
time here in Tall 'Afar. On Friday, February 20, a Memorial Service
was held for Spc Michael M. Merila who died of injuries sustained by an IED.
You can see some pictures of his Memorial Service -
During the service, just outside our camp, another soldier was injured by
another cowardly attack against us. These low-lives won't face us
face-to-face . . . they slither around the back alleys and use hit-and-run
techniques. They're living on borrowed time. Sooner or later
everyone answers for their actions!
The injured soldier was brought in by a Medical Helicopter and I managed to
get a few photos through the windshield of my truck as he arrived. The injured
soldier sustained intensive injuries but will be alright. He is part
of the Special Operation (Special Ops) Team pictured here.
You'll also see some
Iraqi soldiers who moved into our camp for two-weeks of training by us.
First we shoot 'em then we feed 'em!
(Make sure you click on the arrows to the left and right
of the strip of pictures below to bring out more photos)
Caught the Medevac chopper as it was coming in for a landing.
The Medical Team rushes out to off load him.
Vital signes are immedietly taken
He's rushed into the Aid Station
Everyone want to take their picture
Load 'em up and move 'em out!
Human Waste that is! Gotta do something with it!
Caught the Medevac chopper as it was coming in for a landing.
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